0300 365 1225 jonathan@ucanplay.org.uk


We were pleased to accommodate CBeebies Radio at the studio on Saturday 29th October to record Children for their Christmas Nativity.  The script was sent to Sam Marsden who runs the http://margaretwilcoxschool.uk/ and she selected some students aged 6-8 to undertake the various roles.




‘It was an excellent opportunity for practising speaking and listening skills and vocal expression, as well as a fun and interesting experience for all those who took part.’ Sam said.









The studio proved a perfect venue for the recording as the reception area doubled as a Green Room and the CBeebies personnel were pleased with our versatile mobile sound booth.





The show will be available online nearer to Christmas and a link will be posted on the news page of the above Speech and Drama School website.  Thank you to all the children who took part and Johnny and Harriet from CBeebies Radio.


